Costless Rican Rice
This recipe has been cribbed shamelessly from The Impoverished Students' Book of Cookery, Drinkery, and Housekeepery by Jay F. Rosenberg. This delightful little book has been re-published by the Reed College Alumni Association and is available from the Reed College Bookstore. Buy a copy from them! Tell 'em Bob Brown sent you. Here's the recipe:
This recipe requires two pots. If you don't have two pots, stop! You have overextended yourself!
- Rice
- Oil
- Onion
- Garlic
- A small can of tomato sauce
In one pot, bring to a boil two cups of water for each cup of (uncooked!) rice you plan to prepare. In the other, sauté the rice and some chopped-up onions and whole garlic in a bit of oil, stirring constantly. As the rice cooks, it will become a brilliant opaque white. When this happens, yell to someone to open a can of tomato sauce (which you will have forgotten to do.) Pour in the tomato sauce; immediately add the boiling water. Stir once, cover and simmer for 20 minutes. Serve with Three-Alarm Chili.
If anyone asks, the recipe is hideously complicated and can only be mastered after many years' practice.
Last updated:
2018-02-18 14:15
Orignially posted: 2012-02-26